The Fifth Utah Treasure Hunt is well under way, people all over Utah itching for the chance to find $25,000 dollars. While fun and exciting, it’s hard to figure out where Dave and John’s treasure is actually hidden – what with langostas, oler de helado, and trying to see like a cuervo, the clues that map the route to the treasure aren’t easy to figure out. But picture this: a treasure hunt where your map is filled with family heirlooms, precious assets, and secret stashes of wealth, all leading to the ultimate treasure—peace of mind for your loved ones. This treasure is much easier to get than a chest filled with cash. All it takes is setting up an estate plan with one of the attorneys at Woodbury and Ybarra.
Setting Sail: Why Start Your Treasure Hunt?

Just like any great treasure hunt, estate planning requires a well-thought-out map. Without it, your assets might end up lost in the stormy seas of probate court, or worse, in the hands of Captain Chaos (aka the government). Here’s why you should embark on an estate planning adventure:
Protect Your Treasure: Ensure your assets go to your intended heirs.
Avoid Mutiny: Minimize family disputes by clearly outlining your wishes.
Steer Clear of Tax Pirates: Reduce estate taxes and other costs.
Secure the Crew’s Future: Provide for your family’s financial needs after you’re gone.
The Map: Key Documents for Your Treasure Hunt

Every successful treasure hunt starts with a solid map. Here are the essential documents you need to chart your course:
1. The Will: Your Captain’s Log
This is your primary document, detailing who inherits what. It names guardians for minor children, directs where assets should go, and appoints an executor—the trusted first mate who ensures your wishes are carried out.
2. Trusts: Your Treasure Chest
Trusts can hold your assets securely, away from the prying eyes of probate courts. They come in various forms—revocable, irrevocable, living, and testamentary—each with its unique benefits. Trusts are perfect for both basic and complex treasure hoards, providing flexibility and control.
3. Power of Attorney: The First Mate
This document appoints someone to manage your financial affairs if you’re incapacitated. Choose a reliable and trustworthy first mate to steer your ship through rough waters when you can’t.
4. Healthcare Directive: The Ship’s Compass
Also known as a living will, this directive outlines your healthcare preferences if you’re unable to make decisions. It’s the compass that guides your loved ones through tough choices, ensuring your wishes are honored.
The Treasure Hunt: Steps to Get Started

1. Take Inventory of Your Treasure
List your assets—real estate, bank accounts, investments, personal property, and any buried gold doubloons. Understanding your wealth is the first step in protecting it.
2. Assemble Your Crew
The Attorneys and Woodbury and Ybarra are experienced sailors, with expert knowledge on how to navigate the seas of estate planning. These skillful attorneys are your seasoned crew, guiding you through the waters of Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning.
3. Draw Your Map
Work with your crew to draft the essential documents. Ensure they reflect your current wishes and circumstances. This map will guide your heirs to the treasure without unnecessary detours.
4. Bury the Treasure Securely
Store your documents in a safe place, known to your executor and trusted family members.
5. Update Your Map
Life is a dynamic adventure—marriages, births, deaths, and new assets all require updates to your estate plan. Review and revise your documents regularly to keep your map accurate.
X Marks the Spot: Leaving a Legacy

Estate planning is more than just distributing wealth—it’s about leaving a legacy. Your treasure map ensures that your values, love, and wisdom are passed down, providing security and continuity for your heirs.
Let the adventure begin, savvy planner! Start your estate planning journey today. With the help of a clear map, created by your trusted crew at Woodbury and Ybarra, you’ll navigate the seas of life with confidence - knowing your treasure will be safe for generations to come. Remember, the greatest treasure of all is peace of mind, and it’s yours for the taking. Happy hunting!